New Legacy Project Part 12: Dotting the i's, Crossing the t's
Dear Friends and Fans,
It’s been a year since my first “Legacy” blog. If you are still following along with me, I send you a big “thank you.” Here’s the update on The Book: we—my editor, Dorion Sagan, and I— are close to submitting Confessions to publishers. They don’t want to read the whole manuscript; they want 1) a summary of each chapter that tells them what the book contains, and 2) a sample chapter so they can judge the author’s writing style. Dorion is writing the chapter summaries and the book proposal, and I am choosing the sample chapter, which is not so easy. Choose one with the best artwork? Or one with the most interesting story, like the feminist demonstration in Rome on Mother’s Day? Two friends who have never seen the manuscript are going over it with their eagle-eyes, hunting for missing quotation marks and missing spaces between words. It’s amazing how many tiny mistakes keep slipping through the cracks. Once the content is clean from errors, I get to combine all 36 separate chapter files into one large book file, making sure the pages numbers are in the right order. And voilà, we can then contact publishers and submit our book proposal. We are truly near the finish line as far as producing a book. The next step will be the publishing and marketing phase.
Below is a possible title page or even book cover. I’ve got more ideas that I’m working on, like a montage of images from many paintings.