Crystal Cave: Lost Mothers, Lost Daughters, in box
Read more about this on my blog crystal cave: lost mothers, lost daughters.
Dimensions and materials used: Diorama — 11.5” wide, 12” high, 5” deep; watercolor paint on Arches watercolor paper. Box — 12.75" wide, 14.25" high x 6.5" deep; foamcore covered in handmade paper and held together with black paper piano hinges and painted black bamboo skewers.

Crystal Cave, Lost Mothers, Lost Daughters, front view, lit up
Read more about this on my blog crystal cave: lost mothers, lost daughters.

More about all my dioramas on my blog artist books: a life on stage.


Swan (detail)

Italia 1
Photo of Shoshanah as a high school exchange student in Florence, Italy in 1960. The green and white stripes are typical 13th and 14th century Florentine architecture. Red tile are still the standard for roofs even today.

Italia (detail)

The Boiler Room
Every woman’s nightmare: to be trapped in a dark boiler room while a knife-bearing intruder breaks into the room. Graffiti of words taken from the artist’s journals cover the pipes.

The artist paints a rainbow kneeling on a paint palette that floats down the river of life. The sky is filled with framed quotations about art and beauty.