Sister Sky
The Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the Sky, Nut, forms a protective arch over the 17th century woman astronomer who is gazing at Saturn. She is Galileo’s daughter, the nun Suor Celeste, which in Italian means Sister Sky.
On the shore is an old and still-living tree that was once cut down by humans; a small new branch with 4 green leaves tells us the tree is still alive, a sign of hope for our planet Earth.
Beyond the Milky Way, a million miles from Earth, is the James Webb Space Telescope launched in 2021 and showing us what the universe looked like near the time of its birth.


Electric Beings

Imaginary Rainforest
More about this painting on my blog miracle of connecting.

Mary Poppins

Tree Woman
More about this painting on my blog the more-than-human world.

This imaginary peacock delights in his swirl of glorious multi-colored feathers.

Smiles and Tears
Healing energy reaches a grieving woman through her hand and from contact with the plant world.

Ancient Serpent
A procession of elder women moves ceremoniously into the sacred cave. At the beginning of the Neolithic period, women were honored as givers of life, and the snake was identified with the earth-force and was a symbol of life and the renewal of life on earth.