Electric Beings
Electric Beings is about energy, heat, electric colors. Here two people (and a cat) are dancing in a field of flaming colors and flying red-hot disks. In terms of anatomy, I've painted a few arteries and veins and lots of neurons.
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"Endosymbiosis" in Bilbao, Spain

At the Azkuna Zentro, or Cultural Center, of Bilbao, Spain on November 29, 2022. The projected image is what visitors see at the entrance to the exhibit “Science Friction: Living with Companion Species,” the exhibition that was mounted in at the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona in 2021. This time I was able to be there the opening press conference, meet the other artists, have lunch with the directors of both museums and fellow artists and attend a party that evening in the atrium of the Azkuna Zentroa, one a warehouse for thousands of wine and olive oil casks. The video animation of my single-celled creatures plays non-stop while the AZ is open.

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Protocells Triptych welcomed at UC Santa Cruz

The Protocells Triptych is the fruit of my collaboration with David Deamer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biomolecular Engineering at the University of California Santa Cruz and world expert in origins of life research. The collaboration began in 2021 and culminated in the pastels being displayed in the Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History at UCSC.

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